Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Equinox - It Runs on Water (Free Energy - 1995)

On Sunday, 17 December 1995, viewers in U.K. saw an hour-long T V. program which, at long last, puts across the clear message that "free energy" is on the way.

In the opening stages Arthur C. Clarke explained how there were four stages in the way scientists react to the development of anything of a revolutionary nature. "Free energy" was now working its way through these four stages of reaction, which were:

a: "It's nonsense,"
b: "It is not important,"
c: "I always said it was a good idea," and
d: "I thought of it first."

The scene moved to Rome, Georgia where Jim Griggs of Hydrodynamics, Inc. demonstrated the assembly and operation of a "hydrosonic water pump" which operated over-unity by producing hot water or steam with energy in excess of the electrical energy input to the pump motor. "Over-unity" was confirmed by satisfied customers, including the Albany Fire Station, where engineers from the "local university" and the "local power company" had been called in to verify the over-100% efficiency.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Aktenzeichen 9/11 (File Reference 9/11)

11 September 2001 the world let solidify for months. The shock over the ... all » incomprehensible sat low and became on the part of the US government at that time the creation of new laws, which were directed against the liberty of opinion and other democratic basic values in the USA, and to the authentication of the wars in Afghanistan and the Iraq abuses.

In months-long search work I went to the events, which led to the tragedy, on the trace, exactly the same as the events at that Tuesday mornings and the consequences of the terrorist attack.

In my book " file reference 9/11 - the unresolved mysteries of the 11. September 2001 "I state arguments, which speaks according to my opinion clearly against the single act (created by the media and the US government) of a terror network named El Kaida. Rather the theories were confirmed with my work, according to which prominent heads of the US government at that time, which domestic and foreign secret service as well as right-wing extremist combinations in the USA, into which notices 11.9. were complicated.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Journey to the Hollow Earth

Now for the first time, this film presents the history, mythology & folklore that the earth has a hollow realm, a mystical and physical place, thought to house prehistoric animals, or hide alien beings bent on conquering the earth. The hollow earth theory is represented in the history of many diverse cultures throughout the world. The Avalon of Camelot, the Garden
of Eden, Paradise Lost, Shangri-La and Valhalla are names assigned to a mystical and physical place thought by some to house prehistoric animals and plants an by others to hide alien beings bent on conquering the outer Earth. This fascinating video is a compilation of extensive research by the International Society for a Complete Earth (

see also:

Journey Towards The Center Of The Earth

Google TechTalks
July 27, 2006

Bill Stone, Ph.D., President Stone AeroSPACE. Bill will be a speaker at the TED conference next year.

We live in an era when Earth has been considered long-conquered. The highest mountains, darkest rain forests, the Arctic and Antarctic wastelands have all been explored and mapped. The ocean’s deepest points have been plumbed and detailed isobenthic maps exist. These former frontiers are now relegated to places for ever more detailed scientific investigations (especially the oceans for their bio-diversity), extreme sports, and for commercial exploitation. But as places for true exploration they are a part of history.

While truly known only to a handful of teams worldwide, the last -- and arguably the most technologically and psychologically challenging -- terrestrial frontier is being systematically explored in our time: that of extraordinarily deep cave systems. And, like the original exploration of the Poles, and the race to climb Everest, there is a quiet, yet spirited competition now to explore the once-and-for-all-time deepest natural abyss on Earth.

This talk explains the origins of the U.S. effort, the nature of expeditionary deep caving, and introduces the audience to the world of Sistema Cheve and the technology that has been developed to explore it.

Meet the Bush Family

Before George Bush Jr., there was George Bush Sr. And before him there was Prescott Bush, US financier to the Nazis until the FBI shut him down.

George Bush Sr. was Director of the CIA during the Jimmy Carter years. How did he get that job?

Bush Sr. claims he was not in the CIA before becoming Director, but evidence shows that he was not only in the CIA, but also actively involved in the Bay of Pigs invasion and yes, the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

If you think George Bush Jr., Dick Cheney and Donald Rumseld are the problem, you're just looking at the tip of a very large iceberg.